Pepperly's OCs


A weary lycaloman who works as a waiter and janitor at a bed and breakfast.


Modern - BnB
Kemonomimi - lycaloman

Waiter & Janitor
He / Him
True Neutral
Young Adult

Okay, okay, okay. Whatever. Okay.


Tristitia & Acedia

A timid, melancholy young man who can't seem to keep anything under control. He constantly feels in debt to someone at every moment of his life, as random unfortunate events continue to happen to him on a regular basis. As soon as he starts feeling safe, he gets a phone call or gets in an accident or gets some kind of threat on his life. He thinks he's been cursed but no one with magic can seem to help him. All he wants is nothing more but to live a normal, relaxing life, instead of spending most of his time working in order to afford shelter and groceries.

He hates being depended on, because of his luck, and continues a ditzy, confused facade around others. He likes feeling underestimated in random situations, rather than totally incompetent, but tends to hind his ingenuity behind vague suggestions and the element of surprise when things go well. His life of constantly lying and not fully being able to be himself keeps him in a constant state of exhaustion.


  • Butterfly collecting
  • Retro and underground Music


  • Going out in public
  • Attention

At a Glance

  • Height: 172cm
  • Build: Thin and soft
  • He is a young adult with a questionable diet.
  • Hair: Bright pink; so are his eyelashes. His tail fur is a lighter pink with bright pink stripe circling it.
  • He is covered in freckles, and has a butterfly tattoo with antennae for feelers with an inverted star above it
  • He almost always has a dour expression, but can have some intense focus while working on his music.


Home Life

In his free time he likes collecting butterfly specimens, and has one of his apartment walls nearly covered in pinned floating frames with his favorites. He also has a small side gig of producing music to be used in online videos, web games, and similar small productions. He favors genres related to lo-fi, vaporwave, and new jack swing, but has produced a larger variety on request. He calls himself Ill-Omen-Fox.

Cafe Life

He works as a waiter and janitor at the bed and breakfast. He's careful to not mess up peoples' orders or drop anything, and cleaning by himself is easy enough. He's as comfortable as he'll let himself be there. He likes the smell of freshly done laundry, and looks forward to washing bedding and towels.


  • His name is James but he goes by Jamie or Jayay.
  • Produces music as a side-gig, enjoying lo-fir, vaporwave, and new jack swing the most. He has a wider skillset when being paid for his work, however. He goes by the name Omen Fox.
  • Collects butterfly specimens and hangs them on his apartment walls.
  • Lives in a crowded but under-kept apartment along a busy road.
  • Used to ride a bike back and forth between work, but it got stolen one day. He takes the bus and hates every minute of it. He'll listen to music the whole ride, ignoring the other passengers.
  • His coworkers want to dress him up in the maid uniform but he's incredibly apprehensive of it.
  • Lycaloman (Origin: Lycalopex vetulus x human)

Jamie Recommends

  • Summer Weekend Evening Special: Iced Chocolate Vodka Coffee
  • Caprise Sandwich
  • White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake



amie finds Chance incredibly intimidating and barely converses with him at all. They're both the stand-back-and-watch types, so most interactions are job-related instead of anything casual.


Jamie finds Milla Ray also intimidating, but she's a little more chatty and teases him frequently. He's relieved whenever she steps back and gives him space, .


Jorunn is far too energetic for Jamie's tastes, and he goes out of his way to avoid her when she's got few other targets during slow hours. He also is uncomfortable with her arranging a relationship for him.


He'll talk lightly with her when they're on break. She likes his soft voice and easygoing attitude. She's secretly a fan of his music.


He has no reason to dislike her, but he rarely sees or talks to her. When they do interact, it's very polite, and they have quite light conversations.
